heavy competition

美 [ˈhevi ˌkɑːmpəˈtɪʃn]英 [ˈhevi ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn]
  • 激烈的竞争
heavy competitionheavy competition
  1. Some analysts said Intel would face heavy competition .


  2. A. The mobile Internet has been evolving at a faster pace in China compared to any other market , as a result of fast consumer adoption of smartphones , extremely heavy competition among the leading Chinese Internet players as well as start-ups ,


  3. Clothing stores also face heavy competition from factory outlets .


  4. There are also heavy competition between brand drugs and generic drugs .


  5. The heavy competition forces them keeping on innovations and improvements .


  6. After a night of heavy competition , the bar will definitely be raised for next year .


  7. As the fast development and heavy competition , the employees have to face more and more press from social , life and job separately .


  8. Because the influence of the heavy competition in the world and the uncertainty of demand , after the supply chain management was put forward , it was obtained broad attention in little time .


  9. With automobile manufacturers and trade service providers of the world entering Chinese market , and scrambling for the largest and also the last potential market in the world , a heavy competition in automobile post-market will occur .


  10. And on the other hand , foreign banks have absolute advantage in management , asset quality , and human resources , product innovation over Chinese-funded banks ; its large-scale entry will bring heavy competition to Chinese-funded banks .


  11. Under the heavy market competition pressure , domestic engineering machinery manufacturer want to explore and launch the new credit sales mode .


  12. After China 's entering WTO , the agriculture of China will face a heavy pressure of competition .


  13. Especially ' the enterprise established the society ', it has accumulated a large number of non-operating assets , it has led to the decline in the quality of enterprise assets , heavy burden and competition ability is not strong .


  14. The paper points out that except of necessary routine mental training , a dasher also needs mental training in reaction time , movement speed and rhythmicity , concentration of attention , heavy training before competition and forming of competitive status .
